You get out what you put in

Written By Harry James Pointon on .

If you’re not getting the results you want, if you’re not looking, feeling and performing exactly how you would like to be, then you’re not putting enough effort into achieving your goal.

Many people will mistake effort for time spent in the gym. You see there are many people spending plenty of time in the gym, but that doesn’t mean they are giving it 100%.

For the majority of people not even 50% effort is put into workouts and they are merely going through the paces almost wasting their time.

There is many ways that you could be lacking in effort, besides irregular gym visits.

• Your workouts could be lacking in intensity. (Are you giving all of your energy, strength, power and fitness into your workout and even more at the next training session?)
• You could be lacking in the knowledge needed to achieve your goal and haven’t bothered to find it out. (Have you asked or hired an expert, at the least done some research on Google?)
• You could be eating all wrong. (Do you actually now what eating healthy entails and are you following what you know you should be?)
• You don’t know why you are going to the gym. (It’s very hard to put in all of your effort if you don’t know why you are doing it.)

If you want change and you want it now. You want to feel fantastic, look awesome and perform like never before. Then maybe it’s time to get some outstanding results, better results than you can even imagine.

If you are ready to change and are prepared to give your all, under close supervision, where you don’t need to know what to do and when to do it, then Harry Pointon can help you today.

Personal Trainer Harry Pointon is the man to see in Manchester, when looking for ultra-fast body and mind transformation results.

Through his specialist service he will guarantee to make you the elite being you have long been destined to become.

Through a supportive goal driven environment Harry Pointon will do everything that needs to be done to ensure you get exactly what you want.

Training at times can be intense, Harry won’t let you back down or slack off, but it defiantly is not intimidating and Harry will not bully you into your results, but instead guide you towards the ultimate success.

If you’re ready to be transformed to the extent that your own mother doesn’t even recognise you, then contact Harry today and kick-start your body transformation journey today.

And remember you get out of life what you put in; you could carry on doing your half-hearted, maybe partially correct program.


You could start a 100% personal Guaranteed results personal training program with Harry Pointon and be feeling the benefits in less than a week.