Starving on the inside

Written By Harry James Pointon on .

Often I see as a personal trainer Manchester that individuals who are overweight tend to be starving on the inside. In an attempt to lose weight, people reduce the amount they eat and as a result ingest fewer nutrients in their diet.

Nutrient intake is the key to satiety and weight management. When our bodies do not receive enough nutrients they will shout out hungry with a call for food.

Usually when people are following a calorie restricted diet, there comes a point when cravings get the better of them and usually this brings about a less than ideal meal choice.

No matter what we eat, we need nutrients to break down the food. If the food we eat is packed with nutrients then we can use some of these for aiding the digestion process.

However if the meal we choose is not nutritionally dense we need to use some of our body’s reserve nutrients. As our nutrient reserves reduce, our appetite goes up because when we are hungry, what we are really hungry for is nutrients.

If we allow ourselves to constantly eat nutritionally empty foods we will increase our hunger due to the fact that on the inside we are starving for nutrients.

If you want to reduce your cravings, have a feeling of satiety in between meals and lose unwanted body-fat relatively easy without the need to really worry about calorie intake, then aiming to eat a highly nutritional diet will prove to be one of the best investments in yourself you ever make. When you eat what your body is really asking for it will only ask for more when it really needs it.

Aim to eat a diet high in living foods, (vegetables and fruits) eat protein regularly and avoid processed, artificial, manmade, fake foods.

The only real exception to this is emotional eating, this is where people eat even when they are not hungry as they use eating as an emotional outlet for a specific situation; this could be excessive stress, boredom or loneliness to name a few, this can easily be rectified by sourcing the reason for this and addressing it accordingly.