Optimal liver function for maximal fat loss

Written By Harry James Pointon on .

You may have heard, that liver function and the fat loss results you achieve are related, Harry Pointon explains.

The liver is one of our most vital organs and is essential for survival, it has a wide range of functions including detoxification, protein synthesis and producing the biochemicals needed for digestion. It is a reddish brown organ weighing approximately 1.5kg and is located to the right of the stomach, overlying the gallbladder.

The liver has various functions that play a major role towards our metabolism including the storage of glycogen, decomposition of red blood cells, hormone production and detoxification through the production of bile an alkaline compound that aids in the breaking down of fats. The liver is thought to have about 500 different functions usually in conjunction with other organs.

Natural Fat loss will be very hard if your liver does not function optimally as it is your liver that produces and activates the hormones that are necessary for fat burning.

The vast majority of people do not have optimal liver function and this is due to the abuse we give the liver. This is caused by too much alcohol, too often taking medications, drugs and having bad eating habits.

This causes the liver to become overloaded resulting in an inflammatory response in the abdominal cavity which releases a fluid called ascites and causes the stomach to protrude outwards, giving the appearance of a beer belly or for women looking pregnant. As this is an accumulation of fluid and not fat, exercise will not burn it off and weight loss drugs will only damage the liver further.

We live in a society where we look at the problem and not the cause, unfortunately in this situation the only way around this problem is to address the livers health and get it back to optimal function.

So we need to get the liver functioning at its best in order to achieve the fat loss results we desire. Unfortunately there are many diet plans out there that actually stress the liver out even more and cause additional stress on the liver worsening the problem and causing additional fluid retention.

Without proper liver function we cannot convert the thyroid hormone t4 into the active t3 hormone that is essential for fat loss. You also will struggle to produce another fat burning hormone called insulin like growth factor which controls blood sugar levels during long periods of not eating by using fat tissue for energy to boost sugar levels.

So getting optimal liver function is a hugely important aspect to address when aiming to lose lots of fat.

So the bit you have been waiting for, how can you get optimal liver function?

  1. Stop drinking alcohol for a minimum of 30 days
  2. Clean up your diet and get plenty of organic fruit and vegetables.
  3. Eat seeds regularly
  4. Cut out all medications, drugs and supplements, that you do not need for health reasons
  5. Drink lots of water (1.5 litres per 25kg bodyweight minimum)
  6. Use turmeric, cinnamon, ginger and liquorice when cooking
  7. Urinate frequently

Go get your liver functioning optimally and lose lots of fat.