New you in 100 days

Written By Harry James Pointon on .

Do you want to spend 100 days completely transforming yourself and achieving things you never thought you could achieve in your wildest dreams?

Welcome to Harry Pointon’s 100 day new you challenge program. 100 days of superior human making activities, not for the faint hearted.

After completing Harry Pointon’s 100 day “NEW U challenge”, you will not only feel, look and perform like a far superior version of your previous self, but others will hardly recognise you.

You will have the fitness, flexibility, strength, power, speed, confidence, energy, concentration and admiration you currently dream of.

The challenge is not easy, but the end destination far outweighs the hard work along the way.

If you would like to completely dedicate the next 100 days to creating a body transformation that can only be called, spectacular, amazing, fantastic and unbelievable then this is what you have been waiting for.

If you want to put your name forward and see if you can be selected for this amazing life changing program, just fill out the consult form stating that you would like to do the “new you 100 day challenge program” and you will be invited for a sit down consultation, where Harry Pointon will see if you have what it takes, to participate in this superior human making program.