Killing some myths on eating fat

Written By Harry James Pointon on .

Harry Pointon introduces you to a blog on eating fat

So eating fat is an area that I talk to my personal training clients and potential personal training clients in Manchester about an awful lot. Fat has got a bad name for itself in the eye of the general public. Adverts for products low on fat are on the television all the time and this has created a belief that all fat is bad.

The truth of the matter is that this belief is one of the causes for fat gain, especially for women storing fat on the lower half of the body and on the back of the arms in particular, it is also a contributing factor towards man boobs.

As humans we should be eating a diet that contains animal fat. I have written this short post to kill some of the myths that I often hear.

Doesn’t fat stick to my artery walls?
No, arteries are not pipes. In pipes gunk can stick to the sides, this is not the case with arteries.

Eating Cholesterol raises Body Cholesterol
When we eat cholesterol, our bodies make less of it to keep our blood levels in balance, so actually by eating more cholesterol our body’s produce less.

Won’t eating fat make me fat?
Eating a diet that is high in fat and low in carbohydrates is actually a great way to reduce your appetite and allow you to feel more satisfied. Obviously eat less, store less fat. It is also allows you to access stored body fat rather than lean muscle mass.

Fat gives you a heart attack
In recent studies the findings have been that fat intake most likely has no relation to heart disease.

Don’t we need carbohydrates for energy?
Fat is the body’s preferred form of energy; this is why we store excess fat on our bodies, its stored energy for later.