Is salt healthy? Lets talk about this…

Written By Harry James Pointon on .

The mineral salt is a controversial subject between medical and health care professionals.

As a generalisation the medical community believe that salt is unhealthy for us and causes increased blood pressure and chances of heart disease. There is study’s showing that this may be the case; however the majority of these studies have been done on refined salt and not natural unprocessed sea salt.

Dr. F. Batmanghelidj, author of your body’s many cries for water, actually suggests adding a pinch of natural sea salt to every litre of water that you drink.

So is salt healthy? I believe that if the salt is natural unprocessed sea salt then the answer is yes. New Zealand sea salts being the best due to a far decreased chance of containing mercury or other toxic metals found in the oceans of most other regions.

Adding sea salt to organic, fresh meat and veg to season is not a problem if needed, however if you are eating a diet that is not from organic fresh meat and veg and instead from processed sources then you are already going to be getting high amounts of refined salt.

In reality adding salt to season is not a problem, it’s the hidden salts in processed foods that really cause high blood pressure and heart disease.