Getting a body like Daniel Craig in Casino Royal

Written By Harry James Pointon on .

As my girlfriend keeps reminding me, “Daniel Craig looks FIT on Casino Royal as he walks out of the ocean”, So I decided to write an article that explains how he got into such awesome shape.

Daniel Craig’s aim in preparation for the movie was to generate awesome speed, strength, stamina and a sharp focused mind. (Without a focused mind developing a great physique like Craig’s is not possible.

Being James bond, he needed to be able to run quick, jump big, climb easy, fight hard and look fantastic at all times in terms of posture, muscle definition and general confidence.

Basically he needed to build a well-rounded body that was built for all environments, looking good in a suit or a pair of shorts on the beach, super strong and powerful in relation to others and his own bodyweight and moveable for all situations whether that be sprinting, climbing, jumping or fighting.

So what did Daniel Craig do in order to shape this awesome functional body that could kill a man with his bare hands?

Well he needed to incorporate strength training, functional movements and limited rest time to cause a cardiovascular effect.

The best way to do this is to use exercises that give you the biggest bang for your buck. What I mean by this is perform exercises that use the largest number of muscles possible and move quickly between exercises.

The kinds of exercises that I am talking about are usually used by power lifters, weight lifters and strong man athletes. Compound exercises, you can’t get a body like bonds doing isolation movements.

Yes you can put a lot of muscle on with isolation movements, but you’re not going to develop a body that is functional in all situations and isolation exercises are not going to generate a cardiovascular effect. How many people do you see breathing heavy after doing bicep curls?

So if you want a body like Bond, I advise that you follow a workout like the one below.

Find out what your 8 rep max weight is for the below exercises and then perform them one after another in a circuit format. The only rest you have is the time it takes to set up the next exercise, be quick.

Perform 4 circuits with 2 minutes rest in between circuit. Perform this workout 2-3 times a week depending on how much recovery you need to perform better than your last workout.

Deadlift x 8 reps
Squat x 8 reps
Walking lunges x 16 reps
Clean and press x 8 reps
Weighted Pull ups x 8 reps
Bench Press x 8 reps
Seated Row x 8 reps
Farmers walks x 30 meters
Prowler pushes x 30 meters

If you don’t know how to perform any of the above exercises, ask a health and fitness professional to teach you. This could be a;
• Personal Trainer Manchester
• Health Coach
• Fitness instructor
• Strength and Conditioning Coach
• Boot camp Instructor

Add in a boxing, Thai boxing or mma session once a week to develop your fighting skills and really feel like you can kill a man with your bare hands.