But what if? By a Manchester personal trainer

Written By Harry James Pointon on .

Lets talk about those annoying goal destroyers in your life that are keeping you fat. Harry Helps his personal training clients in Manchester to realize that it only matters what you think, when starting your journey towards the best possible you.

You have a plan that you really want to achieve, you get really excited about achieving it, you have already planned how to do it and you have started taking action towards achieving it, but then.

Someone, a family member, a friend, a colleague says “what you’re doing that why”, “that will never work”

When we listen to other people we are allowing them to destroy are dreams.

If you have something you really want to achieve and you fully believe in it then it’s most likely an amazing idea, but that doesn’t mean that other people will agree.

If you fully believe that your idea or goal will work and you fully believe you will achieve it, don’t tell other people.

Why because at least 50% of the time people will say something that will dishearten you and if they don’t then they will most likely pull a funny face or seem uninterested.
Another point to note is when you share your ideas you weaken the desire within yourself to achieve them because you have let the burning desire within go.

By keeping your goals to yourself you can stop anyone else from destroying them and keep the fire within burning strong.

Start training in Manchester with Harry