You can achieve exactly what you want, but don’t for a minute think it’ll be easy

Written By Harry James Pointon on .

As a Personal Trainer, I am often introduced to individuals who want to achieve body transformations that are simply stunning, however the vast majority of people have been blinded by the fake promises of the health and fitness industry and do not realise the amount of effort, determination, hard work and sacrifices that will be involved in order to achieve their dreams.

I know that all the magazines you read say that you can look amazing in super quick time, just like their models, but if that’s the case why do very few people actually look like that?

You see all of us are lazy, yes I said it, you’re lazy, everyone you know is lazy and I am lazy. We all want to get the greatest, most amazing, jaw dropping results for doing only just a little bit more than nothing.

We don’t want to work any harder than we need to, we don’t want to spend any more time than we need to and we definitely don’t want to give up any more of the things we like, than we need to.

We want extraordinary results for very little graft. We will follow whatever seems to be the easiest and will fail again and again trying the next new thing that promises us what we really want.

I am now going to tell you what the models you see really do to keep in awesome shape and what you will HAVE to do if you really want to achieve a beautiful looking body and stop wasting your Hard Earned Cash £££ once and for all.

1)      You need to realise that looking sensational cannot be done by following the norm. The average person is overweight, unhappy and not achieving in life what they want. Instead you need to do much more than the norm, you need to do what the elite looking beans do.

2)      The models you see in magazines, work exceptionally hard in the gym, they also train smart by getting the best possible advise, they eat foods that are truly healthy almost always (90% + of the time) and they avoid all the foods that are going to stop them from looking tremendous.

The steps needed to look awesome are simple; there are no secrets, no quick fixes and no ways to cheat. The only way to look absolutely fantastic is to graft hard, follow strict rules and keep plodding along until you get there without being distracted.