51 ways to get lean by Harry Pointon

Written By Harry James Pointon on .

1.       Have a plan – fail to plan, plan to fail, I’m sure you have heard that before, it’s true; know exactly what you want and how you’re going to achieve it.

2.       Have a ritual for everything – just like a plan, make habits by doing things in regiment order. Have a morning routine, a gym routine, a food prep routine, an evening routine.

3.       Follow the plan – how many times before have you known what to do and still not done it?

4.       Set an exciting goal – nobody wants to train hard and eat healthy for no reason do they, aim to achieve your deepest greatest grandest desires.

5.       Have a deadline – by what date will your goal be achieved? Set a deadline and make mini deadlines for achieving certain aspects of your goal.

6.       Get emotional – why you want your goal and why you want to move away from where you are now. Get upset, get excited, get happy whatever gives you an emotional connection with your goal.

7.       Believe in your goal – always think about your goal and imagine what it will feel like when you achieve it. Write the following and stick it on your fridge. It feels awesome to have achieved …….(your goal) read it every day as if you have already achieved it.

8.       Tell everyone your goal – your family, friends, and colleagues and ask them to hold you to the goal.

9.       Eat healthy don’t diet – we see a diet as a short term fix, being lean is a lifestyle and you have to live a certain way.

10.   Limit drinking alcohol – alcohol makes you fat, simple as (have it as a treat every so often only)

11.   Limit don’t restrict – don’t cut out a macronutrient source completely.

12.   Plan ahead and buy your food every 4 days – know what you’re eating for the next four days and buy it all fresh.

13.   Avoid processed foods – anything in a packet or made in a factory.

14.   Go organic – especially thin skinned fruit and vegetables.

15.   Eat protein at every meal – it keeps you fuller for longer and reduces your cravings.

16.   Don’t avoid fat – fat is an essential macronutrient get it from good sources such as olive oil as a dressing, coconut oil or butter for cooking, avocados, macadamia nuts and pumpkin seeds.

17.   Eat when you’re hungry, stop when your not – stop being British and cleaning your plate completely, if you’re no longer hungry stop eating and next time make less.

18.   Don’t forget water – dehydration feels like hunger.

19.   Drink green tea in the morning – it could speed up fat loss.

20.   Get 8 hours sleep – easiest way to control hunger.

21.   Get up early – on your first alarm, you will be more alert for the day.

22.   Go to bed early – to ensure you get enough sleep.

23.   If you struggle sleeping try a glass of milk before bed – it contains an amino acid (protein) that can encourage sleep.

24.   Do your workouts at a time you feel most energetic – so you can give your all.

25.   Schedule training into your dairy – if trainings not a priority, then you won’t consistently do it.

26.   Build muscle – the more lean muscle you have the more calories you will burn at rest.

27.   Do weight training 4 x a week – 45 minutes of hard graft weight training. Get in, smash it and go home.

28.   Stretch regularly – this will help you to recover quicker from you hard training sessions and ensure you can move well.

29.   Change your routine regularly – don’t get board of training by doing the same old boring workout plan. Change it every 4-6 weeks.

30.   Set yourself a challenge – a competition, or a friendly bet between friends

31.   Join a gym that you like – Join a gym that you want to train at, somewhere that’s convenient for you and not a hassle to get down to.

32.   Don’t use the gym as a social – Remember why your at the gym, your there to get lean, not make friends, don’t waste your time with pointless conversations.

33.   Progress every session – More reps, more weight or more intensity.

34.   Give yourself 10 minutes before training – syke up time, get your mind prepared for the gym, don’t just roll out of bed and go to the gym half asleep, you are not prepared for training.

35.   Get a professional plan – follow somebody else’s proven plan or get a trainer to make you one that is personal to your specifications.

36.   Exercise form is important – no muscle activation is no good, feel your muscles working.

37.   Select appropriate weights – good form and intensity is key, you need the heaviest weight you can handle while adhering to perfect form and the tempo of your program.

38.   Get a training partner or a personal trainer – the extra push makes the difference, it’s those extra reps and Seconds that take you above the rest.

39.   Is your training partner reliable? – If they’re unreliability dictates your goal, sack them immediately, they are killing your dreams.

40.   Do high intensity cardi0 – Do 10 minutes. After this 10 minutes you should be physically destroyed.

41.   Perform NEPA – Non exercise physical activities, walk, climb stairs, do what you don’t need to like parking far away at the supermarket.

42.   Eat lots of vegetables

43.   Don’t starve yourself – if your body feels that it is being starved it will hold on to fat.

44.   Have a weekly treat meal – this will stop you getting board as you have a treat at the end of the week, have it as your last meal of the day and then get back on your plan in the morning.

45.   Make love – its great exercise.

46.   Exercise without it being a chore – play a sport you like and you will forget that you are even exercising.

47.   Associate yourself with others who want to be lean – don’t hang out with people that love fast food and hate the gym, they will influence you into staying fat.

48.   Stop drinking fluids 2 hours before bed – so you’re not getting up in the middle of the night needing the toilet.

49.   Have a fast day – a day where you don’t eat anything for 24 hours. Ensure that the first time you eat again it’s a good quality healthy meal and you do not fall to the temptation of your cravings.

50.   If you’re stressed, feel tired or low on energy – have a rest day, if you’re not going to beat your previous training session in the gym, rest instead.

51.   Act like someone lean