How to eat well, easily

Written By Harry James Pointon on .

Personal Trainer Harry Pointon talks about how to make eating well easier. It is not what we eat, but what we digest, that controls how hungry we are, how much energy we have and how much food we eat on a daily basis. In the fast paced world we live in its all too easy … Continue reading “How to eat well, easily”

10 minute home fat loss workout’s

Written By Harry James Pointon on .

Personal Trainer Harry Pointon takes you through some 10 minute home fat loss workouts.

Beginners shoulder and back workout

Written By Harry James Pointon on .

Here is an effective shoulders and back without for beginners by Personal Trainer Harry Pointon. Before doing any tough sets warm up with lighter weights first to nail the movement pattern. If you select the weights correctly and adhere to perfect form this is a tough workout for a beginner to the gym. Exercise One … Continue reading “Beginners shoulder and back workout”

Is fasting for dummies or is calorie counting for the weak minded?

Written By Harry James Pointon on .

People will always find things to argue about, it’s the nature of the ego. When it comes to building muscle and losing fat, the answers have been here for a long time. The best ways for long term success at building a great looking body are the same they were decades ago. Train hard, rest … Continue reading “Is fasting for dummies or is calorie counting for the weak minded?”