Sleep more, lose more fat

Written By Harry James Pointon on .

We all know we should sleep 7-8 hours a night, but do you actually sleep that much? When we don’t sleep enough it can cause you to gain weight. Obviously there is more time in which to eat food, you just don’t need. That if you were asleep, you wouldn’t have eaten. Not sleeping also … Continue reading “Sleep more, lose more fat”

The key to your weight loss success

Written By Harry James Pointon on .

POSTURE, POSTURE, POSTURE, THE KEY TO YOUR WEIGHT LOSS SUCCESS Posture simply refers to the alignment of your body. Perfect posture is when your ankle, knee, hips, shoulders and ear are in alignment.  If you have perfect posture then the forces that life places on us would be distributed through the body evenly and we … Continue reading “The key to your weight loss success”