A personal trainer reveals the real reason for fat gain and obesity

Written By Harry James Pointon on .

I see lots of people on a daily bases, some being my personal training clients in Manchester and others are people living in Manchester who would just like some advice on how they can lose fat. With Manchester now being the fattest city in Britain we need change.

I honestly believe that fat loss is so simple that within as little as a couple of years the whole problem could be diminished completely. There is no need for expensive supplements, fancy diet plans or even exercising every day. The answer is use your body the way it was intended and look the way it was intended to.

As humans we are not supposed to carry large amounts of fat, apart from during a phase of starvation when it is used as a survival mechanism. So, yes starving yourself, won’t help you lose weight too well either.

As you already know we didn’t always suffer from a large percentage of people being obese, yes there are people who naturally carry a little more fat than others due to their genome type, but I state a little more, not a scale that is unhealthy.

So why is that today in the 21st century when we are more advanced in everything else around us that we are pretty much the unhealthiest we have ever been without the help from medication?

Well I believe there is 3 main reasons.

1) Sedentary lifestyle

For a huge percentage of people, I don’t know the exact figures but I would guess 90%+ of the population (in the western world) sit down for at least 75% of their conscious time. Sitting down screws your posture up and causes stress (stress=fat), it slows your calorie burning potential down to 33% of what it should be, insulin effectiveness decreases increasing chances of diabetes type 2 and also the risk of becoming obese.

2) Easy accessibility to eat wherever and whenever we want

With the ever growing food industry and a new food outlet been opened on your door step every other week, it has never been so easy to eat. As a species we were originally hunters and would eat when there was food available and not when it suited us or we walked past an outlet and it smelt nice. We wouldn’t of eaten more than twice a day, we wouldn’t of snacked, need I say more. This is not completely your fault, I will explain in point 3.

3) The foods we are surrounded by are not recognised by the body

Whatever we eat we become, you may have heard of this before, well this couldn’t be more accurate. The food you eat affects your body on a cellular level and this affects your body in terms of fat retention, skin quality, energy production, mood and many more. You see the food you eats affects your hormones and your hormones are 100s of times stronger than a drug. What you eat at one meal will directly move you towards what you eat at your next meal. I.e if you have a high carbohydrate breakfast then you will want carbohydrates at your next meal. We were not intended to live off the high sugar, processed foods that we are now surrounded by and this is causing us to become processed food addicts.

When added to more frequent meal times due to the conveniences that surround us and a lack of physical activity due a sedentary lifestyle, is it really surprising that we are the fattest our species has ever been?

Find out exactly why you store your fat