5 simple ways to lose body fat

Written By Harry James Pointon on .

Personal Trainer Harry Pointon talks about 5 simple ways to lose body fat. For more information on personal training check out Manchester personal training

1) Want to lose fat

What I mean here is really want to lose body fat, make it your top priority. When we solely concentrate on one thing and persistently give our all we are guaranteed to get there in time. Don’t let setbacks stop you; with any failure there is always a lesson to be learnt. Learn from it and keep moving forwards.

2) Control food instead of it being the other way round

Don’t let your addiction to food stop you from losing body fat. You eat when it’s time to eat, not when you see something that looks nice. By having a good nutritional plan, you will never crave other foods and you will be able to fully control what you eat. Ensure you start a nutritional plan that is not limited by calories, certain food groups, or involves food alternatives; these are quick fixes that will not work. For a free nutritional plan, sign up to my newsletter.

3) Drink more water

The thirst and the hunger signal are the same, when you think you’re hungry, you’re probably thirsty, so have a glass of water first.

4) Sleep more

If we don’t sleep enough, the hormone leptin’s levels go down, which causes you to not feel as satisfied after you eat. A lack of sleep also causes ghrelin levels to increase, causing your appetite to be stimulated making you want more food.

5) Use your body fat as energy

If you’re storing more body fat than you should be, then you have no excuse for not having enough energy, all that excess fat is stored energy, just waiting to be used. Following a fasting protocol could be highly beneficial, providing a preliminary detox has been done.

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